Bankruptcy Law is Complex - Don’t Dabble.
When attorneys encounter clients with financial problems that go beyond their area of expertise, they should make a referral to a qualified bankruptcy attorney. As a Board Certified Bankruptcy Attorney, I have the knowledge and experience necessary to navigate the intricacies of bankruptcy proceedings, ensuring that your client receives the best advice and representation tailored to their unique situation. By making the referral, you uphold your ethical duty to act in your clients' best interest and provide them with the highest quality of legal representation.
Reduce Your Malpractice Risk.
Referring clients to me substantially reduces or eliminates your risk of malpractice. Attempting to handle a bankruptcy case without the necessary knowledge and experience will expose your client to financial loss and therefore you with potential liability if you make a mistake or fail to provide adequate representation.
I make it my practice to return the client to you as the referring attorney at the conclusion of the bankruptcy representation, demonstrating a commitment to professional courtesy and respect for the referring attorney's relationship with the client. If your client asks me to perform work that is outside the scope of the referral, I direct the client to contact you. This approach allows me to provide comprehensive and seamless legal services to your clients, with each professional focusing on their respective areas of expertise.